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藤原定家 (ふじわらのていか )が、鎌倉幕府の御家人である宇都宮頼 綱 (うつのみやよりつな )から「別荘の襖のデザインとして飾る和歌を 選んでほしい」と依頼を受け、百人の歌人の代表的な歌を一首ずつ集め たものです。

 京都の小倉山の山荘で選んだことにちなんで「小倉百人一 首」と呼ばれるようになったそうです。





・Hyakunin-Isshu is the traditional Japanese collection of one hundred poems by one hundred poets.


・The title can be translated as “One hundred people, one poem each”.


・All poems were written in Japanese classical Tanka style.


・Tanka has a 31-syllable verse form with five lines in 5-7-5-7-7 pattern.


・Hyakunin-Isshu was composed by Fujiwara no Teika in the Heian period.


・Uta-Karuta is a kind of card game adopting the Hyakunin-Isshu, which is peculiar to Japan.


・Playing Uta-Karuta is the best way of becoming familiar with and memorizing Hyakunin-Isshu.


・For the game, we use two different decks of karuta cards. One is the reading cards called the Yomi-Fuda, the other is the playing cards called the Tori-Fuda.


・Each of the Yomi-Fuda is printed along with each poem, the author’s name and portrait.


・If you want to play Uta-Karuta, you have to memorize all one hundred poems.


・Therefore, I recommend you play “Bozu-Mekuri” first, which is the easiest and funniest way to play Uta-Karuta.


